Logan Fire Company

Donations Grow 33% After Just One Mailing

Reducing volunteer burnout & rescuing their fundraising efforts

Logan Fire Company faced many of the same challenges other volunteer companies are facing: more volunteer training requirements, shrinking numbers of volunteers, a decreasing donor base, and an increased need for fundraising.

That’s why Logan volunteers hired Affinity Connection to rescue its annual fund program. Affinity cleaned, segmented, and expanded Logan’s database to reach more community members. We also processed all their donations, saving precious time.

Then, we created strategic communications for each donor segment and used local photos and stories to inspire community members to support their local fire company. After only one appeal mailing, donations increased by more than 33% over the whole previous year of fundraising appeals.

Logan Fire Company’s annual fund is up. Importantly, Logan volunteers are able to spend more of their time on mission-critical firefighting and fire safety activities and training, instead of focusing on marketing, database management, and fundraising.

“Logan Fire Company fundraisers were bringing in less money than previous years while our volunteer training requirements were increasing.

Now Affinity Connection manages our annual giving program and our annual fund is up 33%. They do everything for us, and we keep the donations.”

-Charles A. Salvanish, Vice President
Logan Fire Company


What We Did:

  • Database cleaning and expansion

  • Donation processing

  • Strategic content development

  • Print project management

Ready to take the guesswork out of fundraising?

We would love to help!


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